Climate Sensitive Stations

The Climate Sensitive Stations dataset comprises daily discharge data of currently more than 1,200 gauging stations. National Hydrological Services have identified these “climate sensitive” stations on request of the WMO Commission for Hydrology in order to assess the variability and trends in hydrological data associated with climate variability and change.

The stations should meet at least the following minimum criteria proposed by the WMO CHy Advisory Working Group for the identification of climate sensitive river basins:

Preview of stations:

You can access the data by downloading the station catalogue below, copy the GRDC station name(s) or number(s) and paste them into the field “Station Name or Number” in the filter menu of the data portal. A step by step guide is provided in our the Navigation guide for GRDC data portal (available in English and Spanish). The summary statistics provide an additional overview about the dataset.

Station Catalogue (XLSX, 111KB)
Summary Statistics by WMO region (PDF, 13KB)
Summary Statistics by Country (PDF, 16KB)
Summary Statistics by WMO basin (PDF, 22KB)
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