The Arctic-HYCOS forms the Arctic region component of the World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (WHYCOS) implemented to support existing international initiatives like the Executive Council Panel of Experts on Polar Observations, Research and Services (EC-PORS), Global Integrated Polar Prediction System (GIPPS), Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) and the projects of the Climate and Cryosphere Programme (CliC) in the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).
The objective of the Arctic-HYCOS Project is to allow for the collection and sharing of hydrological data. This will support EC-PORS and other initiatives to achieve amongst others the following scientific goals:
Evaluation of freshwater flux to the Arctic Ocean and Seas,
Monitoring the changes and enhance understanding of the hydrological regime of the Arctic region,
Estimation of flow in ungauged regions and develop models for enhanced hydrological prediction in the Arctic region,
Advance of hydrological operational practices and procedures in harsh environmental conditions (e.g., under ice measurements).
A basic network of hydrological stations is being created by selecting key existing observation stations of the national hydrological networks within the Arctic region. The network will comprise stations that are best suited to monitor and detect changes in the Arctic hydrological regime, specifically related to climate change. The dataset comprises currently time series data of 428 river discharge stations that already have been captured in the GRDC database out of the 631 identified stations. The archived quality assured historical river discharge data (both mean daily and monthly) from these identified stations will be made available freely.
Project website:
Preview of stations:
You can access the data by downloading the station catalogue below, copy the GRDC station name(s) or number(s) and paste them into the field “Station Name or Number” in the filter menu of the data portal. A step by step guide is provided in our the Navigation guide for GRDC data portal (available in English and Spanish). The summary statistics provide an additional overview about the dataset.
Download |
Station Catalogue (XLSX, 39KB) |
Summary Statistics by WMO region (PDF, 12KB) |
Summary Statistics by Country (PDF, 13KB) |
Summary Statistics by WMO basin (PDF, 16KB) |